Saturday, first one indoors

So we had a sleep in, I was awoken by Nan banging the drawer shut, elderly folk bang and slam everything don’t they? Husband says it’s because they can’t hear as well as they used to do like to make sure it’s shut. 0845 we got up, had some breakfast, we done a lot of stuff today which kept us busy, changed all the beds, sorted out lots of board games, hoovered, put all the bedding in the wash. Sorted out the pile of washing I kept meaning to put away. Made lunch I really like crumpets dipped in eggs, I’ve only just re-introduced eggs again. Then we decided we were going to sort the play shed, you know something starts off as a good idea, it took so long and was disgusting, chucked out loads of stuff and now they have a lovely place to play again. I also got anti-bacterial wipes and cleaned up some dolls of Anna and Elsa, crowns and buggies, bagged them up and left them on them on 2 different door steps of neighbours with notes for kids, one lady been looking after her granddaughter (she’s not over 70 BTW) and one has a little girl and thought they’d like them, we had double of everything and it light just keep the kid quiet for a while and Mum/Nan can have a rest and a cuppa, I hope they can bring some joy to a couple kids at this crappy time and my girls were really happy to give them away and asked was there anything else they could give away. I gave a laptop away to my youngest ones friends the day the broke up from school to help with online learning. In this uncertain time anything you can do to help anyone you should, I would do so much more but we live with my Nan she’s 87 and that makes her vulnerable because of her other health conditions, I wasn’t even allowed back to the school I work in to help out to make sure she stays safe and my eldest is asthmatic, if I was a millionaire I’d be probably be broke by the end of this because I couldn’t bare to see people suffer, the worry in people that I know that have financial worries it’s such a shame to see. Everyone is worrying about different things and knowing you can’t always help is hard, not even a friendly hug now either.

Girls made potato cakes with Nan today, I don’t she will ever ask them to cook again! Cooking with kids starts off as a good idea and then it’s just mayhem!

We ended the day with bubble baths, face masks and played a game together. Let’s hope the next 11 weeks are better, I know he’s put a lockdown for 3, schools out forever it would seem, life would be much more happier if we could go out more, I’m just reluctant so we protect Nan, we are fortunate we have a garden. I looked at getting one of those stands for my bike so I can cycle on the spot, have you seen the price of them!!!! My god, cheaper to by an exercise bike. Also clocks go forward tonight so YAY an extra hour indoors! Stay safe everyone x

Kids #potatocakes #irish
Nans #potatocakes #irish
This is what most conservations are like in our house
This pandemic got us all feeling like this, self care is so important, exercise is really good for the mind too, we need to check out for a moment especially if we are now juggling home school with work, and looking after others
My brother needs to watch I got bills…

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