Day 3…Hump day, real humpy

So today has been an odd day, I still can’t believe we are living this, this is actually happening, it’s absolutely terrifying. I wake up thinking this is life now, I love a run and although we are allowed out I just can’t bring myself to because I’m so worried because we live with my Nan and my eldest is asthmatic, I’d never forgive myself if I went for a run and brought the virus back it just something that’s highly unlikely but you can’t help have that feeling deep inside, worry that if we met with people before hand as we went about our business, it’s just consuming, things are getting better on the home education front after a little stumble this morning and a little sibling spat during first break just like actual school. Also on Monday youngest left her jumper out all night, they are really going for the genuine school feel for me. Luckily eldest gets work sent daily it’s just me trying to figure out chrome *waves fist* my god I grew up on windows, all this google classroom, google docs hurts my brain. All school was completed today and kids done Nintendo switch ring fit and we’ve all started sit up and plank challenge…oh yeah it’s on. Youngest hasn’t had much work from school and she’s bright as a button so is working through it quickly so have been giving her extra work, she has written an epic story about animals loosing their home which includes Mr Fox calling up Greta Thunberg, I will include her picture that she done with her story. She’s been learning about the body and she’s also designed her own money.

Bloody pollen count giving me the stress, every sneeze and sniffle got me with a thermometer, youngest one said I feel sick, head check, thermometer so think I can add triage nurse to my list of new jobs now.

Oh yeah
#extinctionrebellion #gretathunberg #animals #woodlands #climate #homelearning #mrfox

This made me chuckle
This how I’m feeling, I normally do between 10,000-18,000 a day #fitness #garmin #stepchallenge

All in all we are doing good, think I’d make a pretty good teacher, I am teaching my year 4 maths, English, science, Spanish and history and even I’ve learnt something today. I’ll ask myself this again at the end of August. Stay safe people x

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